The Just For Today Podcast
The ‘Just For Today podcast’ was an unexpected offering of mine, and it was created after I had been podcasting with a very dear friend for a year and she unfortunately had to step away for personal reasons. She heavily encouraged me to keep going because our listeners had been enjoying what I was sharing. So, I took a leap of faith and the ‘Just For Today podcast’ went live for the very first time in October of 2022
My intention with my podcast is to essentially be one of the first things my listeners engage with at the start of a new week, to lift them up, inspire them and maybe teach them something new about themselves and how they move through their world.
I adore recording each episode, as it gives me so much freedom to speak from a place of authenticity. To share what I have learned through personal and professional experiences in the hope that it creates a beautiful ripple effect of self-awareness, self-development, and ultimately self-connection with those that tune in.
I believe that one of my superpowers is my voice and what I have to share, and this platform allows me to do that in my way.
Apart from the beautiful conversations that I have with my guests, I deliberately keep each episode short and sweet because I understand that time is of the essence to the majority of us, and I don’t know about you, but I listen to many podcasts and have the inner dialogue of ‘please get to the point’ running through my head, as more often or not, I simply don’t have the time or energy to dedicate to one podcast episode.
I have always said that if my podcast makes the difference to one listener, then my work here is done. The ripple effect can be profound to herself and those around her, when a woman starts to understand and connect with herself better.
Ripples have the power to create big waves of change.
Steph xx

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Do you want to join me on my podcast?
I love speaking to real women about real life stories, unfiltered, in which they have faced difficulty, adversity, challenges, trauma…. basically, life has dealt them some tough cards, and they are thriving in the face of all of that.
Something I like to call, Collateral Beauty (you may have heard me say that 😉 )
These conversations not only inspire me and those that listen in, but they also give that sense of hope, that we can absolutely thrive in the face of difficulty.
The feedback that I receive from those that listen whenever I release a ‘Women Who Thrive’ episode, is that they feel seen, heard and less alone in their own situations.
If you feel this would be something you would like to be a part of and are ready and willing to share your story, I would love to hear from you.
Please complete this form and I will be in touch soon.
Steph xx